naze00011 | Poetry Vibe
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Even hero's bleed



Views: 84

“Even heroes bleed”

Even heroes bleed…

To let go some kind or sort of
frustration that they’re encountering.

Even heroes need to laugh…

To grasp the concept of freedom to
express the lighter side of life’s expanse.

Even heroes need to cry…

We all have some deep issues with life, with our
souls burning and turning at the same time.

Even heroes need to be human…

To be failures, to lose control, to just say no
sometimes when we don’t feel it’s the right time.

People over expect for heroes to be perfect,
there are those of us that are always kind,
always nice, always willing to sacrifice.

But the where is the sacrifice for us, where
is the hero in others to sometimes save us.
The selfishness and the self centeredness
of others is still so shocking to witness.
Because you would think that if you do a good
deed for others they might be willing to do
the same for others as well.

Cast that positive thought out the window
because human kind is not so kind.

Even heroes need love…

To feel the warmth of another in there grasp, to
feel the compassion and the see the expression
of emotion content in another eyes or face.

Are all these things to much to
ask for from the human race to
give as much as they take.

Naz'e 7/2013

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Beautiful! Nice read. No, not too much to much to ask for. However, the true hero never asks for nothing in return for labors of love save that others would engage in such labors, likewise. Enjoyed the read; Thanks for the share.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Peace and Love, Hero!

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