naze00011 | Poetry Vibe
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"It's not Valentine's Day without you"



Views: 120

"It's not Valentine's Day without you"

Happy Valentine’s day the world is saying,
the ones that are deep in love are expressing.

But there are those of us that are lost in the mist
for the true love in there life that they miss.

Although I will wish you a wonderful Valentine’s Day with the other that your with, it does not mean that it does not
hurt like to say it.

I am happy that someone has found a way to appreciate you but never in a million years will he love you the way that I love you.

I will say it again and again…

I love you Kerline, I love you Kerline from the moment I first saw to the day that it is my very end.

I miss everything a person can miss of someone who is in love with them but has lost them through stupidity.

I have been in a lost world without you, a lost state of mind and although there are things that I have done it’s because you are no longer in my life.

But till the day that I die, Kerline you are
the absolute love of my life.

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