naze00011 | Poetry Vibe
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“God’s seeds are good”



Views: 105

“God’s seeds are good”

There he stood atop
a mountain calling out
to the stairs of heaven
“My all mighty God”.

A man, a sheer
words worth
in mind, speech,
and spirit.

He went their
glorifying God
the all mighty.

But pondering
questions came
to mind.

“Who are these who
lie and cheat?!”

“Who feel no form
of calamity shall
befall them?”

And God Replied…

“They will burn
in time for nothing
escapes God’s eyes.”

And then he asked
another question.

“Who are those
enthralled by
foolish ecstasy?”

“Who are these with
a multitude of faith
but, it deep within
it’s burning within

And God Replied…

I will have them as
seedlings, he will
nourish them and
they will grow.

I will guide them
in the proper path

and they will grow.

For all my seeds have the
capability of being good.

Naz'e 11/20/1995

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Charles2 says:


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naze00011 says:

Charles2 - Thank you very much for reading and enjoying the poem

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