Enjoy your stroll on
this earth
This precious gift Free Will
given 2 U by the Creator
at birth
Take in all the glory and beauty
that the physical world give
and show
Priceless things like stars sun
moom sky rainbow
Enjoy the stroll much as U can
while here on this land
When you look at the world warring
all the time each generation the
fighting renews
The Israel Hamas thing same folks
from the Bible beginnin
of time all these years hatred passed from
one generation to another
Enjoy this world while you can
as it is at any minute ready to
abruntly end
When I get into this mood about all this world
wide war of the nations I like to get into some music
that takes me away from it all if only for a short time
Like this Temptation song Aint no words to this song just hum and dance along Youtube