Imagine 365 tv monitors in a large room
Each one tuned to different stations
volume turned up to the sky
spreading the news
Or Is it
Just more of the daily Blues
Cain and Abel stories
In every dimension
Chock Full of evil rising
And All Hell breaking loose
Trying crack-baby hard
Not to mention
The Not-Christian Right is getting uptight
Because Nazis and Terrorists
are joining their cause
Cause UGlyis beautiful...
cloaked in the smoke
that ensues
from the Chairman
tasked to unleash the wrath
of the outspoken minority
the ones taking over
on MAGA authority
Used to be mainly just Black folks
catching Hell every which way
Well glory-Be welcome to a new day
about whose nation is erupting
with one half of humanity
doing something rash
to another somebody’s stash
Life Liberty Or Other
Pursuit of Happiness is on hold
While the most adept criminals
Shoulder the latest in weaponry
Bit-Coin Idolatry robbing the treasury
of one nation after another
hack attack
Just getting you back
While echoes and reverberations
Of ancient cash registers
Ring while opening the vaults
where the Peoples Gold is stored
And the multitudes of the schoolish
Are robbed of their sanity
Being taught evil-minded economics
Being fed Alt-Truths and Factoid theology
Meanwhile as its been 50 years
since the golden rule was criminalized
And the Fool force of the New-Law
has new recruit disciples
treading on thin-ice
learning new ways to squeeze the cheese
out the american eagles buttox
Moneymakers churning out rivers of cash
to be consumed by whore-mongers
eager and willing to grease the palms
of easy-pleasers
willing to sell their mortal souls
for getting paid to get laid
while their abandoned families
left engaged in an endless struggle to survive
Learn to Be independent
by hook or crook
Or just drop sickly where they were left
Only to wither and die
While our leaders call for us to Ante-up
Work harder to defeat
an uncommon Foe
And Pray
we the people left holding the bag
for the dirty schemer
the dealer who has just run off
with the Ca$h
while the co-conspirators
divvy up shares on a table set
with golden parachutes
making music videos
with their next generation hoes
while we the people
are left waiting
Calling collect to Heaven
from this prism of light wavelengths
tuning in to the frequency of The Creator
hoping we can/will
outlast the karma of our past
(Next-up Ego-Nomix)
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