PHIRE | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
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Day Late



Views: 272

There are too many Days, to wait for One Day

If One Day never comes what am I to say

Tomorrow will speak my name, fear what I can’t control

Take one day at a, time, gone but not stole

For there are Dreams to chase, many more to come

Fantasy and Hope I can’t trust, best stay away from

Yesterday, My Last, My Past, considered news of the old

So Today, will you be mine, to have and hold

Vow to not leave you, for the unknown of Tomorrow

Live in the moment, even though Future is to follow

My Yesterday, for there, I left nothing else to do

Far away from My Past, still so close to you

Present, presents presents with something to give or to share

Careful not to awake a memory, of someone never there

Living, a dead life, to lifeless beats of my heart

Today, will you have me, until death do us apart.

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