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“Ghost Story“


just different

Views: 118

“Ghost Story“

In an old house live many unrested souls
that gives no peace to its residence that
recently moved in.

The picture outside this house is calm, serine
it has that aura of “ Family Life “.

But inside are screams coming from the air nightly, scratches on the wall and thumps of objects both
large and small.

But the most evident sighting of them all is the
appearance of footprints of a little girl made
in pure thick blood.

The story is that long, long ago an insane man who escaped a home for the mentally challenged broke in on a family that was having dinner and butchered and tortured them to death.

Yet these residents that reside in this home have no clue of the history or the serous danger they are exposing themselves too.

But they refuse to leave stating that they’ll use whatever power of there means to allow these spirits fee but sometimes some things should be left alone before you open up a can of something terrible that you can’t control.  

Inspired by ” The wind cry’s Mary “ By: Jimmy Hendricks      

Naz'e   6/9/2000 12:00 a.m.

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