naze00011 | Poetry Vibe
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To whom I owe...



Views: 99

To whom I owe...

To whom I owe this gift,

Of life's pains and treasures...

Oh yes it has been a pleasure.

But how many tears have come because of the
cigarette burns of love, hate, despair, hope,
cheers & fears.

To whom do I owe the gift of giving a right cross,

The fighting might within me,
the spirit of just giving up  and the many flamboyant
words that are not kinds to a children's ear.  

How sometimes I want to say a big F/U to the world
to people to strangers because I am fed up of B/S.

But to whom do I owe this....

How much more can I stress and confess that my life, soul, spirit is a damn mess and at the same time want to say that there is beautiful power in the words I manifest, when I sit in front of my desk and let them free... yes I mean my poetry.

Naz'e's neither a angel or the devil but a sweet mix of the in-between.

To whom do I owe....

This classic tragedy,

This melodramatic volcano ready to explode but
more willing to implode.

So I hear you want to view the next episode....

Of my life's pains and treasures...

Oh yes my, my it has been a pleasure.

Come smile and tell me a tale and I will share a tear,

share a word with me and I will cradle your soul,

discard me into the abysses that I have come to know
so well and I will close my eyes and let the sun burn me
to a crisp

Dear words of mine, dear words from me come save me,
come love me and comfort me...

To whom do I owe this stalemate of checkmate.

Naz'e  4/11/2014 12:46 a.m.

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