Edna | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 293

Hidden in the middle of all the lush greenery of the riparian bosque is the path once walked by several Indian tribes. 

Over a thousand years ago,
they were the first people to arrive.
They needed running water and food
or they would not survive.

They farmed, hunted, gathered and harvested
and they stored extra food to save.
A mile-long trail led to the Aqua Verda River
Their tents were pitched near Colossal Cave.*

The mile-long archaeological trail loops
through an area from often-worn tracks.
They made stone tools, pottery and baskets
as the sun shone on their backs.

Ritual ceremonies for good fortune,
the tribe inhabited the valley 500 years~
the innocent and hard-working tribe
suddenly and mysteriously disappeared.

As we journey down the Path of the Ancestors,
we can make our own trek back in time.
To all Tribes who cruelly disappeared~
add new footprints~yours and mine.......

*now known as

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AquariusKhan says:

Great poem, Edna- historical, artistic and spiritual. Sounds like a place I would love to visit- even if I don't- you helped me to envision it. Thank you

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