Coalhouse | Poetry Vibe
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Humble appreciation for the love shown to me... Writers must write!

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  4 star general
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Laughter is Living



Views: 148

Laughter is living

Giggles become guffaws

Gotdamm that was funny

Take the sting outta saddness

Saturday night on the steps

Yo Hair Soo Peasie you have to comb it with a pistol!

Yo mom drawls Soo Big I used them for a raincoat!

Hood humor

Passing time when the rent is past due

Jokes for black folks

Make being better 

Here is a joke about being broke

I cant even Pay attention!

How brave to laugh at tears

How brave to laugh at fears

alright alright lets get off of moms

Cuz I just got off yours last night!

It aint funny until somebody laughs

Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter is living.....









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