For Years I Have Done 200 Push Ups Per Day
My Goal Has Been Reached
45Lb Dumbells Were Used To Complete
On My Back On A Bench
I Worked My Arms Til Weak
Weirdly My Weight Subtained 203
For Years I Have Done 200 Push Ups Per Day
My Goal Has Been Reached
45Lb Dumbells Were Used To Complete
On My Back On A Bench
I Worked My Arms Til Weak
Weirdly My Weight Subtained 203
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mlowe5 says: May you heart and spirit remain likewise pumped up. Keep on pumping, TEEDUB815. Great work! ONE. Peace and Love. |
Keep On After ChangeEach day is a new day for change The decisions that you make are at your hands No one is promised a next chapter or tomorrow Excuses are useless, no sorrows The mournings for the change from yesterday's life is short so navigate the right paths and get paid TEEDUB815
The RainAt times when it rains Some may complain But they need to appreciate the benefits it provides for the waters of the world and the land depended on by woman and man What if there was no rain What would wash and cleanse the air for us to breath Without the rain What would saturate the grounds to prevent drougths provide the proper nourishment for the grass, plants, and trees Without the rains What would fill the lakes to provide the necessary water the we need Without the rain What would Oxygenate the oceans and seas Without the rain What would calm the day and set the mood wherever we may live for a comfortable sleep TEEDUB815
Got Away WithDone wrong, Broke the Law, Lied or Comitted A Sin Every living person on this planet have done one my friend So who are we to judge another that fell into a hole or failed in requesting for forgiveness in which they've faught While the rest is living there best life because they have never been caught TEEDUB815
We AreWe are people People of different beliefs, race, backgrounds, and ethnicities But, there's several things that we are the same From inside our bodies we bleed from similar vines, rely on the same organs to function correctly so that a healthy can be lived, and life can be sustained We are people of different opinions, thoughts, and of different levels of power But there's one thing that will forever stand Time is not on our side and no one's promised the next day or the next hour We are.... TEEDUB815
Totally Numb (True Story)It was the fall of 1980 in New Orleans, It was cold I was at the innocent age of six years old My mother would always speak of this supervisor that was an iron fist when came to running the floor She would mock her at home describing how she unnecessarily treated this one guy everyday out of control One day, My Moms can home from work at the post office with blood on her clothes She Screamed aloud, Curtis did it!!!! Damn It he did it, He did it as she whaled on the floor. TEEDUB815
Wired TightIn this life, any expectation of achieving any goal that you may aquire will require you to be discipline and wired--- tight TEEDUB815 |
Merry ChristmasOn this Christmas, for miles can be seen The luminous smiles from unselfishly giving and to receive Families gather around the dinner table to catch up, reminisce, and to eat In appreciation for this day a day well deserved for all indeed May this Christmas bring to you Happiness, Joy, Peace, and Prosperity Merry Christmas
It’s Right Before YouIn each of us there's a gift that no other have It may be seen from the adelecense age through the journey of life's path So, if you are a person that have the hunger within to pursue their purpose or whatever it is that's Due Have Faith In Self, Be Passionate for the Kraft And witness God and the Angels see you through TEEDUB815 |
A.I. Vs Us, A True PoetSome youngster approached me the other day and said that he heard of me from years of writting poetry He proposed a challenge by using A.I. vs my skills of poetry I accepted He pulled out his cell phone, began typing, then said to me. let's go I told him that he should go first, inwhich he did He began reading some bulls#it off of his cell phone as is he was freestyling, battling me off the dome Destroy him was the title throughout the poem When he finished reading what was created by an unknown I had to shut him down like a1990s diss song TEEDUB815
A Word Of Thought 101The Sun Shines Bright To Bring Life To The Day The Moon Reflects The Sun Emitting A Descent Light So That The Nocturnal May Come Out And Play TEEDUB815