1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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Power in the word



Views: 170
We don't have to put men down to lift ourselves up. Women have a purpose. God has a plan still. And heresy is not the man that understands the responsibility of the head. We are failing them. We have failed them. The comments say alot more about this gender as we should take responsibility for the way men fail. A lot fall at our feet as we have not provided for the majority what they need in women nor who they should mimic in men. We as female have not provided ourselves as role models. I apologize for that and I take responsibility because as broken as I was I shouldn't have ever been a parent. I shouldn't have even been a wife. I should have layed at the feet of God and prayed until I was broken no more or at the least been capable of any of the many roles in life I've taken. I apologize to those I've failed. I apologize to myself because who I see looking back carried my bruised and battered body for me. She carried my soul and placed my spirit aside. She asked God to protect me when my heart screamed to die. We as women don't even know how to be women today. I hear in both ears a double edge sword putting down the men we should love but we have nothing good left to say. But we wondering and write in bold letters across a Facebook page condemning and entire gender with the power of words full of rage. We don't need to put men down to lift ourselves up

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Coalhouse says:

Deep and Dope
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thank you, my Sister. God bless you. And know that you have also sent a powerful message to we brothers to think about. ONE. Peace and Love.

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