I discovered I hate clutter does that mean I'm quite fond of neatness quick to clean up messes I didn't make straighten pictures on someone else's wall I tend to throw things around attempting to put them where I can find them I can make a fine mess finding a place for stuff the closet is no longer an option it's the first place I'll look for a hanger in the pile if I fold as soon as the load is dry I probably could avoid the wrinkles I find to be mentally challenging and disturbing yet I find the time to scribble inside a circle inclosing confusion taking preventive measures to put a stop to situational pandemonium hydroxyzine hits like visine keep the heart rate from rising causes drowsiness do not operate machinery under the influence of sleeping anxiety while driving a moving vessel preferably especially in a time of loneliness triggering a wellness check but you hate the police their outside the door SWATTING like a swarm of wasp surrounding the house you hear the first knock but you stay on the couch refusing to come out to see what all the fuss about either someone somewhere cares about your well being or they're hoping you get shot you hear the second knock you look out but keep the door locked maybe they'll go away maybe you'll live to see another day either way you're broken in a fix your state of mentalness and being a law abiding citizen isn't a good mixture like combinations of colorful medicines injected should I go any further with the message implied dare I simplify the how comes and "why, why, why" ask your self did I or did I not take matters into my own grasp like shards of glass in during tolerating accepting injuries of deep cuts and tears pain beware I killed the bone chilling feeling in the main artery beforehand thoroughly wiping out all unsightly blemishes did I miss a spot stop on green never for the dot pulling stuff out of the garage downsizing minimizing separating accumulated garbage from monetize wares almost fell I should fix that step on stairs perhaps add a rail at least give myself something to hold on to stepping up to reach the shelf I spot a cobweb hoping not to run into the one who spun it did I take out the trash I smell a onion