She is the air in a birds lungs,
She is fire blazing on a bare rock,
She is vast depth... like the ocean,
Feel her presence in the winds caress,
You can feel her kiss in the glow worn on your skin from the sun,
Strong back,
Able arms,
Unbridled power and passion,
Emancipated care free laughter and delight,
People love her power only when it is channeled through ways that they can grasp.
You can only stomach her power when it can be captured firmly and squarely in the palm of your hand.
Seeping out from between swollen knuckled fingers.
Only when they can clap that hand and blow the debrs of her essence on to the floor...
Illuminous creation of My Father,
She is woven into the infinance of EVERY holy thing.
She is the flourescent luminescence of the harvest moon,
Her energy has always been irrepresable.
She stands in her primordial existence.
Akashik records oozing of knowledge and fullness.
Dare you not taste a hint of her aura ...
sweetness of honey dew.
Be indicative of her fullness...
as she drips heavily from your lips ... the ends of your fingertips...
For she returns to the winds.