blakmista | Poetry Vibe
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Self Destruction


Views: 147

Self Destruction
As brutal as 'bombs' are falling from the skies
mankind hellbent upon self-destruction daily
experienced at catching depression and anger
God of life is reversing this destructive reality.
Aside of this 'out of Love's plan' for mankind
is the spiritual sickness because of self pride
in the open teaching that it builds character
only to keep wiping away the tears that cried.
Dug in like tape worms searching for sweets
as blood pressure stays repetitively on high
yet seeking and welcoming pills to alcohol
to juggle relief from the inner bombs eaten-why?
It's calculated that at the pace from birth to death
anxiety, frustration, worry, and all sickly madness
shall be the reasons for a shortened life for mankind
when hopefullness amid joy were kept hidden-a test?
Carved names on sidewalks and upon trees are moot
mixing and trying to match envy, jealousy and worry
living inside of this fruitful amid welcoming existence 
Russian rouletting again with banquets of bombs. Why?

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed! Why not just regurgitate the swallowed self-destructive bombs? Powerful share. Thanks. ONE. Peace and Love.

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