envyme | Poetry Vibe
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Young & Pregnant



Views: 240

Kelly Is only 14 year's old

having unprotected sex thinking she's grown

but her face remain's a sad frown

disappointing her father and ignorging her mother she has no one that love's her 

but that unborn child that is inside her the only one that could give her pleasure 

she's under so much pressure but she' says one day it's gonna get better . 

Kelly's baby father high on the streets' leaving kelly all alone with her heart to bleed. 

and her young seed without knowing who her father deed is cause all he cares about is weed leaving kelly to weep.

and her unborn child that's the only thing kelly want's to keep cause she know's they'll meet soon  kelly and her love for her child is bittersweet and incomplete.

If your thinking about having sex don't stress it just flex it. 

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Edna says:

Keep that baby and give it love. Ask for help if you need it.

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DAPHNE says:

This is very nice Enzyme. I liked it a lot.

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