Lust will leave you stuck
Lust will have you calling someone else's wife 1 o'clock In the morning just to get sucked
In return you'll get a taste
All in all lust Is still a waste
God made no one perfect
But theres no excuse
We all have the capability to question, is it worth it?
To go the extra mile to get pregnant by your side with good
Knowing he doesn't want a child
Unfortunately you can't change his mind
Lust mimics love
But, lust is quick ,sultry and fun
Then you go to the clinic 2 months later
And now your done
Replace lust with respect
Before you get trigger happy
Ask have you been checked?
Before you decide to cheat
Respect yourself enough to not be In that seat
And when ever you get in that mood to be thrilled
Remember lust has the power to have you missing and killed