Pourit | Poetry Vibe
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My biggest problem



Views: 271


I have abandonment issues

 Even when you leave for a a hour I start to miss you

I've experienced moments

When they never came back

I cried so many times

My voice began to crack

My eyes  red

My soul dead

They promised It was for a second

You know the ones I really miss the most

Probably don't regret it

It's best I  forget it

I've been consumed  with my abandonment issues

Even you go in the other room

I start to miss you

Dont leave me I beg

Theres so many possible outcomes in my head

Will he cheat on me with my neighbor

Will he wake up dead

Someone has to save her

Her is me

Are these normal problems?

Or do I have a mental disability ?

Do I need to be medicated?

I've read hundreds of books ,hoping to be educated

But there was nothing to discover

This is life

And my issues are no different from another

I have abandonment issues

Even you tell me goodnight and give me that clarity

I still miss you ,and that's what's scaring me

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A shared problem of all who miss what/who they love. Missing what is loved, is a loving reality. Keep focusing on all of the beautiful keloid memories. ONE. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

Me too

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