love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Bruce Lee



Views: 264

I was watching First of Fury and that was dedication to an art form. Bruce Lee was in action and so was I, I was fluid hit and taking hits. And then all of the sudden came the nunchuks. 

I was spitting this poetry and using all the tools at my disposal. The world wanted it and I gave it to them. I was a leader here and I took the expression of my soul and put it on paper. I wore it like a coat, draped in expression. 

I attacked any body part they exposed to me. I saw nothing but weaknesses in them and I explored my strengths.

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mlowe5 says:

The world still wants it, love_supreme. Keep on spitting and hitting, and wearing that love_supreme coat. ONE. Peace and Love.

Sassy says:

I love this, reminds me of when I get so engrossed in the TV and start shouting at it. More than that seeing your own strength in defiance of opposition is beautiful

TEEDUB815 says:

Bruce Lee was and will always be a great.
Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

"I don't hit, it hits all by itself" Bruce Lee (Dope)

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