Edna | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 252

I often drive down Main Street in Walterboro, SC. I park in front of the spot that used to be Frank's Department Store. Thoughts and memories invade my mind. Main Street greets me as an old friend.

My Roots run deep in that Rum Gully soil. The structures that exist are my old home and corn house, still dwarfed under the moss-laden oak trees. The paths that I walked have disappeared and I can't find Beetle's grave.

I am frequently seen sitting on the back steps, looking out over CowPens Branch. Familiar sights and sounds invade my soul as I go back to yesterday.

In the distance, I see a little girl with blond hair and blue eyes running toward me~

She is coming home and life is good.


*exerpt from RumGully Roots*

-to order Rumgully Roots, go to: www.Xlibris.com-




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