Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 183

I’ve sought for PRIMACY through privacy

But THEY’VE kept an eye on me, unsurprisingly

Surveilled my existence since day one I had life in me

And the irony, is I've concepted my dynasty finally

And through a special vessel I was given an advisory

That I should advise guys with no disguise or anxiety

And for decades I’ve been seen as a threat to societal sobriety

Due to my mastery of semantics which is what’s best defining WE

But I’m just a polite guy with slight piety

That has ALWAYS spoken to have souls awoken

Even though my own cold soul was broken

Many sides to us that would fuss with distrust

With one in particular always ready to BUST

With a hair trigger temper, since that one day in November

WE all still recall and remember entering THAT December

One of us spoke clearly trying to endear me

And it said: What you’ve survived

Another fool would die

Just as quick  as a hue could dye

And only a few would try, to live with that which you abide

And its true that both you and I

Might feel cool inside, but thoughts of suicide

Made me drink the pool of blood

And now the pool is dried

All the while my livers bile

Has its own venomous TEXT STYLE

While my higher self wears regal textile

As Im grieving, I believe I may be next now

Kind of perplexed WOW

Drenched in distress I confess HOW

I’m the native son

The contagiously outrageous one

Considered sacred, but made hatred fun

All the while been slaving none

But I’ve been enslaved since ONE

Child of three, and was never the favorite one

Yet one day I WON, even if I sighed and cried some

This ancient Mesopotamian Phoenician

Is fire breathing against demons & heathens

A grammatical Behemoth secreting syllabic semen

No tantric breathing but simplified semantic grieving

And as I unfold old scrolls to betrothed trolls

The sky unrolls like an ancient papyrus script

Pay attention to what your highness spit

Pure revelatory gory stories of olden days

Unfold the page like an emboldened sage

That’s elevated from days he was enclosed with rage

So just in case I may be encased

With a fiery taste of putrid paste

Im still not giving in to the inner darkness

The very cold flow in my soul that makes one heartless

I choose to be the smartest

And not have a heart so arctic & hardened

But Ive been bombarded by a wicked Jin

Some know him by the name of SATAN, that’s laid waste

Ive tried to create a trace of lineage, but why try this?

Lilith and her torn off hymen got many HIGH MEN

To fall to the floor and adore the whore

But little did she know what was kept in store for her core

So I implore to detour, yet the average

Man of madness would choose to explore

The girl next door, so the guy would try to flex more

I detest WHORES, because they’re tethered to the demonic realm

And I choose to spew super logic in the sonic realm

Time to taste this TONIC SPELL, yes GOD is well

Adonai & El Shaddai were mad at I

Because one eye focused on my spirit

But I’d bat an eye, yes this crappy guy

I was stuck in a stench drenched in trepidation

Thought He was a leader and could HEAD the nation

But instead I fed the hatred, when I met the matrix

That whet the matron and sped the patron

I confess this vagrant was so cold & vacant

Like a broken home, like the one I grew up in

Recognize I didn’t say raised in, because I wasn’t raised

Every day were seconds so depraved and death was craved

But a path was paved by this purposeful pariah

And I choose to introduce you to this recluse who could spew fire

I once knew higher, but then switched to a hierophantic scribe

The old me died and though parts of his consciousness survived

It was a simple courteous curt bribe, to never desert I

And now here we are more than stars that scar with bars

An internally brolic foe enclosed

That chose to only impose prose to expose the ignoble folk

Guess this circles back as I consider myself a noble soul

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Such be self-chosen primacy. ONE. Peacxe and Love.

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