Newpanther | Poetry Vibe
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Invisible Poem



Views: 200

can you see me?

a quick glance at my face
and longer stare at the clothes I wear
answered no questions other than
"do you got a job?"
"what kinda car you drive?"

and I smiled
giving acceptable 
and yet
honest answers

we sat there over dinner and drinks
politely conversating about nothing we cared about

can I see you?

I thought I did
hidden somewhere between the cleavage and curves
or was it my hormones conducting the interview

maybe I wasn't looking in the right place

"how many kids you got?"
"do YOU got a job?"

your answers were honest
and superficially acceptable

intellectually satisfied
(for the time being)
physically fed
(at my expense)
and sexually stimulated
we woke up the next morning

without your makeup
without my self-installed defense mechanisms
I said
you said

all evening
all night
still finding ourselves the same way we first met


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

All 2 often, what the eyes can't C, the mind and the heart feel. You know, like a child/poem in the womb is there with us all that time; then it (child/poem) is born, and "loving strangers" meet: HELLO! Thanks, Newpanther. Just a flow of what this poem pulled our of me. Great write! ONE. Peace and Love.

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