TEEDUB815 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 52200
contest winner

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Total poems   404
Lifetime Views   68447
Total poems - 7 days   2
Total poems - 30 days   5
Total poems - 90 days   37
Total poems - 365 days   186
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Lucky Strike



Views: 124

Since 1992, Over 54,000 people in the state of Texas have won the Texas Lottery

Can you imagine the surprise when each persons ticket matched the wining numbers right before their eyes

Only the smart and wise will spend wisely to make the cash last for a while

No more mortgage

Credit score on increase 

No more vehicle notes

No more termination notices 

No more eviction notices on the door

Good Luck to you, if you play the LOTTERY 

One day you may HIT and have the same oppurtunity



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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Maybe, one day! Can't always know what God particularly has in store for you. No harm in checking even the lottery out once in a while. ONE TEEDUB815. Peace and Love.

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