WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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The first tribe



Views: 141

What was it like to be alive

As a member of the world’s first tribe?

Everyone was famous and rich

Each person had a purpose and must have felt important, no need to envy or wish

Everyone probably looked alike, with similar goals and ambition

Building, hunting, eating, and sleeping, each day with only one mission

Survival in utopia, so I wonder how

Things changed to become how they are now?

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

This Ebon tribe became the envy of the pale ones that followed. The rest is our survival in Ourstory! ONE. Peace and Love.

Bragee says:

Probably a fantastic life to live full of simplicity and order. It’s a shame we’ve allowed the world to get to its current stages.
Contest Winner  

Warriorcarryingwater says:

Thanks mlowe5and Bragee!

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