There are a number of things that I need to accomplish.
I can make a list as wide as my imagination will take me. Im my mind, I am in far away places and I have dreams etched in glass.
I am a student of life and still it is all a mystery to me.
I can accomplish all but none unless I do one thing.
The number one thing that I need to do is master myself. Know who I am from the inside and out. And I am afraid.
Afraid to fail and to suffer the long path that it takes to reach success. There is a little boy inside of me that wants to be just a little boy and not to grow up.
But he has grown up, not as a man but a litte boy.
I need to be free and he needs to be a man. I need to have the drive and be driven. I need it all and more than anything -- I need mastery of me.