Thorough29 | Poetry Vibe
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Building my Wall



Views: 139

I'm bettering myself...

Why can't he get on my level,

I never claimed to be better...

just wetter and he can't resist.

Is it my fault?

That he don't know how to live,

he don't know how to give...


How can I do better, when he think I'm Cruella...

evil in every way, when I'm actually being saved

With God as my father and goals to go farther

I'm now building my wall

 Every narcissist will fall,

And I will finally be...

in Peace*




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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Nice. Like the pillaring flow. Well constructed. ONE. Peace and Love.

love_supreme says:

Very nice!

TEEDUB815 says:

Nice Write!

Newpanther says:

mellow piece... love it!

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