Sweat is the scent, sweet sweat acidic even it is hanging in the doorway
Back room is blue, walls, framed mirror and thick blue and white Persian rug
A piano? This escapes me
What does not is a local boy head bent dripping from nose, white powered sprayed across oak the lines little finger of left hand would marvel at before
Lifting to play Chopsticks
There on the sky, surrounded by purple, green, Ivy bush that my toosh flew into
much laughter they died laughing
eyes dilated and a familiar together they are now similar
The world is good it is fun, it's laughter lessons of a father
Screaming ''ludicrous'' adding to the hilarity
Music hits in shaking places and they see through eyes of owl
Throwing in the towel of life - discussing nothing yet it is Deeeep man
so deep that they have found the meaning of all things
Collided brother and sister
The violence the fist, the black eye forgotten
The shut down and shut out of father and daughter so he felt bemused, so bastarded infront of them
Nothing remained. The mic comes out and songs rhyme over beats and the beats are fine, she blows her own mind
Being disowned is great
And the pills pop and the music rocks and rocks and rocks
Water is ridiculed only Lambrisco, Stella, Vino from the cellar,
Adding gravy to the dinner a little E for the final whammy
And life is new again
Every mirror they are the height of style, sunglasses in daylight
The stars are red
Bed don't exists and they do this because when all is dry
They only wish to be brother and sis without the devastation of the blood line from another mister.
Blend is helped in this Self Medicating house of Dorset of Ealing of Victorian corniced ceiling