Dare politicians to imply winning an election
Depends upon the amount of campaign money
Supporters of a given political party can raise:-
Has the fought and won right to vote
Now become a popular Amazon product
Shipped free to the highest bigoted bidder?
Has political party fundraising become
Today’s greatest scam aimed at the poor—
Being annoyed and insulted for not contributing?
What a horrific reality it is, that criminal politicians
Can raise millions of dollars within hours of convictions;
While millions of poor, hungry, and homeless are invisible:-
Is it possible that political fundraising laid the foundation
For the evolution of those popular AI-motivated fundraising
Scams with audacious titles like, “Come Fund Me For Change?”
Hey, the treasured vote is our greatest contribution;
Let's just get out there and demonstrate its power value:
Counting votes will always out-value counting money raised/