Newpanther | Poetry Vibe
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I And I



Views: 166

I and I
Waited for her lamp light to turn low
Red, white and blue
dimming as the evening approached
Such a warm and welcoming she
Such a welcoming heart she
It was what first attracted 
I and I
To she 
In the first place
and she will always have my heart
my pledged loyalty to love and protect she
loving she
in the darkness 
under multi colored party lights
red, white and blue 
declaring my love to she 
from the mountains to the prairies
and oceans white with foam
will have my heart and whom 
I and I
Yearn for
wrong or right
I and I
love the touch of her hands upon me
Blissfully exploring each and every crevice 
Every valley
And when the lights were turned low
I and I
Glanced at her beautiful face
Sleeping peacefully
Closing the door behind me
I and I
Soft footsteps to another place
Where I found she
patiently waiting for 
I and I
Her lights low in 
Black, Yellow and green
Exploring as much of she
I and I
Before she awoke in the other room
Reaching out for 
I and I
and finding an empty space
Which should not be empty
I and I
Loved me and
I and I
Loved her for as long as I could
Until the alarm 
Three little birds on our doorstep
I and I
Back to my ship
Bid a warm farewell
I and I
slowly disappeared from her view
And she
away from me
Until the next time 
I and I
Can be with her again
To love her
And for her to love
I and I
Upon my return 
On next year’s cruise 
To Jamaica

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow, Newphanter! Here I am standing (bad back at 82) reading this beautiful canvas, wearing black pants, yelllow undershirt, green shirt, and a Jamaican flag designed kufi off to sub an art clsss and an African Studies class.! I lived and taught in Jamaica 15 years. Two of my three children were born there! and spent their pre-teen years there. Thanks for this beautiful pen. ONE. Peace and Love.

Newpanther says:

Respect everytime, my mentor!

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