TEEDUB815 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 53900
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Electric World



Views: 175

Welcome to the new world 

Accepted by all men, women, boys, and girls 

Everythings changed from what the majority is use to

Gas driven engines are banded, electric motors the new rule, new law

Cash in hand is now absolite 

To gain control of the dirty games played on these streets

Every device in the home Is more intelligent with voice recognition

A person can do three things at once without leaving the kitchen

No more misplacing remotes or holding one in your palm

Prepare for this world an eletric world   

Where the Unemployment rates high due to robots being put into more positions

Causing Friction like an angry storm





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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Told just as it is. Let us be aware of the deep awareness. ONE. Peace and Love.

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