Madame Aje | Poetry Vibe
Madame Aje
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new moon



Views: 169

Many moons ago I lost my warrior king
Many moons ago I lost my warrior king
And slowly the image of him fluttered away into the wind
This air is now thick and polluted
No longer does it breathe
No longer does it let my nostrils breathe easy
I am suffocated by  memories I have not yet experienced

Many moons ago I lost my warrior king
I know walk this journey alone
I know walk this journey alone
And along the way I loved another
Became a traitor
Birthed 5 kids became a mother
But he is just my lover

Many moons ago I lost my warrior king
I lost him because I was not strong enough to fight this war
My blades were not sharpened
My aim was shaky
My eyes were not cleared
I was not prepared
Many moons ago I lost my warrior king
And along the way began to love another
I betrayed my village
I betrayed my people
I betrayed my king

So I begin my journey to find him
I see the smoke signal in the sky
(I whispered to him in my dreams….I’m coming look for me)


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AquariusKhan says:

My sister! Powerful and deep. Heartfelt- but you are not a traitor- your spirit is filled with memories of a lost love but that doesn't stop you from loving. Yours is a voice for millions of women. Are you not their queen? Stand firm! Aquarius Khan

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