we all went throuhgh a
near death experience
4 years ago we all
could of been out of here
we could've died from
breathing RIP to those
who did since that
happened how are we
supposed to act some
of us got uprooted
and still trying to
replant ourselves
we suffered a
and we still don't
know why it's
like shaking up
a aint farm poor
shook up ants
have to start all
over again from
scratch no one
even talks about it
anymore no one speaks
of how F***ED UP
that was and how
vulnerable we are
some people not okay
and they shouln't be
human life is not
a toy it's not a game
people lost their
lives and love ones
I don't want to hear
no maybe it was their
time to go no one want
to say what that really
was it is what it is and
can't be nothing else
we have no choice but
to live our life on
the edge and keep our
ears open to what
matters turn a deaf ear
to all the propagana
distaction, distration
is the main attraction