beafaithful | Poetry Vibe
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I celebrate you my fellow poets, keep rocking on the Vibe!!

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The Epistle


Views: 335


Eyes to see, ears to hear

What you say to me I hold dear

Out of the mouths of babes the truth come

Telling me that I am worthless to you

And, no more deserve the confidence of knowing

That the special times are gone

Here to remind me of those days of long past

When things of value was simply the gratitude

We had for one another that we hold dear

Now the heartrending trials are meaningless

And long forgotten

Only to feel the weaken condition of what time will surely bring

If you are lucky to endure

Bring me my flowers to the door

So I may smell the sweet fragrance

And see the beauty of their wonder

Not to be put on the cold earth

To be submitted to cold and thunder

What says the epitaph of one who has gone under

To the voices of all I hold dear

I beseech you, for all the feeble voices of the past

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