WhiteThePoet | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 3200
contest winner
Been missing in action poetry fam- so hello to everyone! Can you please go check out my poems on YouTube? Poetry w/ music. A must hear - here's the links https://youtu.be/K5PQXyR2ouU

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Finding Me



Views: 128

I was lost & unable to be found 

Hidden beneath a mask of sorrows & frowns 

Sadden by my very own thoughts & deaf to those who aimed any efforts of a positive talk. 

My vibe was slumbering at best & my nights were filled with a painful unrest. 

I was drowning in hurt & unknowingly loss site of my self-worth. 

To be present in the physical yet absence with mind 

The type of existence that projects laughter yet in silence the inner cries. 

Cries for help in a crowded room however it goes unnoticed because most are selfishly summons by their very own emotional moods. 

If only I can muster up the power to search & stalked down my prior happiness; this thing that we call life would work. 

It would work for me & only then will I come to see the value of my now fruitless tree. 



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