pushed into the world
believing I could
do anything imaginable
until some soul told me to
get down from there
I never tried to fly
again I could turn
a cardboard box into
a car tain bus or plane
I could turn a thing
into anything I wanted
it to be until my wildest
imagination got me sent
to the corner some of
it got beaten out
of me I didn't leave
childhood I had to get
out the house I moved
out the neighood I
became an adult with
convicted percecuted
incarcerated dreams
on death row some aready
excecuted I grew up
around a bunch of
fear of height type
of folk who zapped me
of my super powers
one is detecting
kryptonite awake
during the hours of
sleep light on my
feet ready to pounce
on a thief turn
trauma into treasure
experience is a
childhood on paper