DaWizzle2145 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 1680

 Twisted by the ideals and
Opinions laid down by the
Ones before us, haunted and
Pursued by most of us. Its
Like reaching for the sky and
Never being able to touch a
Cloud, its like looking up at the
Stars knowing you’ll never be
One. Perfection, Perfect in its
Simplest form yet complicated
To say the least. an
opinion stretched out trough
Time and space in that in itself
It has become an disillusion of
Its own existence. Let me get a
Taste, let me put this Botox in
My face, while I chisel down
My stomach to get that 1, 2, 3,…
4,….0 size waist. Wars sprout
And arguments begin to take
Place, while those who don’t
Care for it are tortured, hung,
And raped. But only for
Perfections sake! Its too big,
Its too wide, its too strong, it
Won’t fit, trapped within this
Ideal of that abrasion that
You will never meet, twisted
In the dimension of those four
walls you put yourself in.
“Help Me!” You call out, but its
Too late because perfections
Got its hand in you. Watching
You turn and squirm as you
Exercise your freedom away,
Perfection, perfect in its most
Complicated ways only
Simplified by those with
Irrational minds. Cuz you
Know she got a dunk, shawty
Is a dime, alike that gotta
Be one of a kind, why waste
Your time, can’t you see the
Perfection on perfection crime.
Or are you too blinded by that
Victoria secret model, that
Coca-Cola shaped bottle, maybe
It’s the Italian vogue or
Maybe that ratchness you
See on mediatakeout. Perfection
Escaping the illusion of fact,
Deceiving reality while jumping
On opinions back. Set in a
Stilled time from those of
Simple minds. Tainted and
Misused by one with corrupted lies.
Perfect, Perfection, Perfectly
One word that means the same
Just said in a different way

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love_supreme says:

This is a very nice poem.

poems by this commentor


DaWizzle2145 says:

thank you very very much

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