love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Views: 161

I took everything that I loved in the world and made a casserole. I should have taken out the raisins but then again I wouldn't be me or at least a part of me. Do you ever look back at a part of your life and think about when you were the happiest?

The world could do no wrong and you know that things were just as they were meant to be. There was a destiny to it all and you let the suns ray beam across your skin and hair and there was nothing more powerful than this life. 

The truth is, that never changed. The only thing that changed is that we had to start identfying who our enemies where even in the circle of people that we use to call friends. 

Geez, what a way to be. To sift through people that were on your side and tyring to figure out if they are on YOUR side. They are on their side but they could at least have the decency to let you live. Then didn't throw monkey wrenches, they threw all kinds of wrenches. They felt bad about it at first and then they were all in. 


No weapon formed remember. The weapon they formed was thinking that they knew you. You played the sucker and then played the sucker. You hit them with the whole casserole including the metal tin.

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jcf108 says:

All life on earth a duality so the greatest ecstasy requires the greatest challenges. You are a conqueror. Great write and casserole - even with the raisins!
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mlowe5 says:

Beautiful casserole with enhancing "Raisins In The Sun" episodes of life endured and overcome. Great Write! ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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