ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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Mein kampf synonymous as a blooper



Views: 150

Writer of these words,

a former Lower Providence inhabitant,

who dwelled within darkest depths
of Dante Alighieri's inferno

for most of his outlandish, impish,

and devilish growing up years

witnessed microscopic scrimmage,
where spermatozoan with most forcefulness
muscled itself handedly,

magnificently, and splendidly
envision unicellular olympic competition,


yours truly swimmingly

begot during the heat

of parents being passionately fruitful

courtesy diploid erogenous frisson
between my then searingly
robust virile father and fecund mother

~ late March/early April 1958
ushered seminal moment

post ova fertilization realization
courtesy male gamete


penetrating zona pellucida
a glycoprotein layer surrounding the oocyte

triggering cell bait multiplication

subsequently yielding male

gendered offspring and sole son

hashtagged as uber twittering, snapchatting,
shutterflying super duper
cute little boy with short strawberry blond hair,
whose solitudinarian nature
became quite evident when he displayed
acute social withdrawal

upon off fish shill commencement
getting schooled as a grouper
by mister Hooper,
who made his debut

appearance on Sesame Street
November 10, 1969
as storied and staple long time resident
on above named television show
until March 18, 1983,
beloved by adults and children alike

within make believe community
(a conglomerate of real and imaginary locales)
peopled with proprietary named characters
for any of a number of humorously grotesque
glove or rod puppets and marionettes,
chiefly representing animals,
first popularized, idolized,
dramatized, capitalized, and actualized

by the children's television programme
Sesame Street (1969-) and more recently
in The Muppet Show (1976-80).

Also: a toy made to resemble one of these
ingenious brainchild of Jim Maury Henson
an American puppeteer, animator, actor,
and filmmaker who achieved worldwide
notability as the creator of the Muppets
which series originated as two pilot episodes
produced by Henson for ABC in 1974 and 1975.

Henson's shocking, sudden death occurred on May 16, 1990 of organ failure resulting from streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. An emotional memorial service was held five days later at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City.

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