Supernova | Poetry Vibe
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Dreamers vs. Reality Seekers


just different

Views: 279

Is it reality that God is real

And its the ones that don't believe that's dreaming

Is it reality that I step out on faith

Believing without sight

And its the logical thinkers that are dreaming with no faith

Because recently I was thinking reality was taking my faith

Never becoming a dreamer

How could I ever think that way

God is Reality

God is real and there is only one

Unity was captured when God sent his son

And forever for those who believe shall be saved

Those who are unsaved are impuissant

That only sit and mention

Mention facts and how science had an impact

On how this world is intact

As a whole


You mean to tell me I use to be a monkey then I was sold for gold

Or how about we just die

So can you dreamers please explain what happens to my soul

I believe in a heaven and Hell

I believe in good and evil

Angels and devils are amongst us

Walking on the side and behind

But God is infront of us

The time is right now because later is too late

And I would hate to see you dreamers dream of heaven but in reality go to Hell

P.S. Save your soul

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