thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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Mirror self - self mirror


just different

Views: 87

Sometimes I wonder if I disappointed my younger self would he be in shock if he could catch a glimpse of how I currently live my life would he
be upset ?
Would he be furious?

How would he act? I don't like to dwell

on the past but would he understand why I couldn't keep one promise that I've made

or would he be infuriated by my lack of dedication? would he be enraged that I've change drastically?

just how much of my life could he watch before saying that's not me I don't know that man I don't know his ambitions 


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

AWARENESS! Next time you look into that mirror, note and hear the words Nikki spoke so many years ago: Look into the mirror and notice what you see; another one of God's beautiful creatures looking back at thee. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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