thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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Emotion #5



Views: 118

There's no telling what I crave or what I desire maybe the answer to them both is nothing if I'm being truly honest it's been a while since I've felt any emotions maybe there's been a great disconnect there it doesn't 

bother me too much if anything it's like nostalgia familiarity even. I've felt this way since I was a kid guess the feelings enhanced overtime. Losing you,you you you you you and you & you and so many others loses and 

other things I've never spoken of I guess my internal hell and the place I called paradise is one on the same *solitude* being disconnected from everything and everybody has gotten me out of touch with a lot of emotions 

I find myself in situations where I just don't wanna be be bothered. These people aren't feeling me the irony of it all I just be minding my ugly business and someone beautiful comes along and disrupts the flow 

with bad intentions and no real goals in mind something I always seem to fall for but at the end of the day it's just another distraction pursuing me until  I'm in their clutches just shelf me leaving me to believe all my 

suspicions are confirmed.... I'm alone 

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