Mingoao | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 21100
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Like Cocaína in Medellín



Views: 107

I'm neither

    nor marionette

        Brilliant idiot
        nor madman

the battle’s ragin

   and soldiers
   fakin dem dead

               who you gonna trust . .  ?
                when you can't run
                             fast enough

t o    e s c a p e   t h e    m a t r I x

                                in some sort
                 of concocted entropy

w h e r e  d e g r e e   o f   d i s o r d e r

                        only increases with time


                   your face in the dust                             and someone’s yelling

                                Y o u   M u s t  .  !

       before it turns to mud
       the blood mixed in

             before it hardens
       into clay for the kilns


C h o k i n  .   !

can't cough hard enough
to dislodge the discomfort
                from your throat

            one leg in the boat
       the other in the water

 y o u ’ r e    s h a r k    b a i t  .  . !

         the anchor weighs
          around your neck

                          s a l t    w a t e r

    e n t e r s    y o u r    l u n g s

                    the smell of fear

                   its taste
                   its fervour
                   its addiction

           seeps through every pore 

                                             l i k e
C o c a í n a    i n    M e d e l l í n


© mingoáo - ? - the Writings of Mingoáo Inc. is the exclusive agent, publisher-distributor of the Writings of Mingoáo. No part of the Writings exhibited herein may be copied, transcribed, reproduced nor transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, not by carrier pigeon, pony express, smoke signal, slingshot, sled dog, not even by alien spacecraft, nor stored by any information storage and/or retrieval system, past, present or future, nor translated, without the expressed written consent of the Author and Publisher. ~Not to be Copied, Forwarded, Distributed, Shared Nor Transferred.

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love_supreme says:

Very nice!

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Mingoao says:

Thank You - Peace

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

So much Colombia in America! Deep allegorical message. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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