Mingoao | Poetry Vibe
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My Theory of Possibility



Views: 201

Al l . .

that which is perceived
or manifest as impossible

                           is possible . !

even if . .

        such concepts are bounded
        by the constraints
        of relativistic incidence
        or ritualistic orthodoxy
        which may reject such notions

consider . .

that impossible is not actual
but a configuration of mind

                        n o w  . . !

also consider the impossibility
                          of the universe


               i t   e x i s t s . .

how plausible
the impossible has to be

             before we believe ~

before . .

            we accept
            that not all things
            can be explained  or                                               understood

                          it does not mean

        the possibility of all things
        as a theory
        is easily fathomable

        n o r . .

        does it mean
        it does not or can not exist

                                               n o r  .  !



          b e c a u s e . .

         the core of the theory

                     suggests that all which
                     can be imagined

                                    i s

                            p o s s i b l e

© mingoáo - ? - the Writings of Mingoáo Inc. is the exclusive agent, publisher-distributor of the Writings of Mingoáo. No part of the Writings exhibited herein may be copied, transcribed, reproduced nor transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, not by carrier pigeon, pony express, smoke signal, slingshot, sled dog, not even by alien spacecraft, nor stored by any information storage and/or retrieval system, past, present or future, nor translated, without the expressed written consent of the Author and Publisher. ~ Not to be Copied, Forwarded, Distributed, Shared Nor Transferred

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TEEDUB815 says:

Nice Bro!

Mingoao says:

@TEEDUB815 : Thanks for the love. -Peace

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