Breadcrumbs2021 | Poetry Vibe
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Tied Together



Views: 124

I wonder if there were too many compromises
 Were those the ones
  that broke the ground where I stood
That caused me to shake
After cussing you out
leaving me with a  vote of no confidence,
 I ran head long into and  crossed
many bridges,
 carrying old baggage, that belonged
to someone else,
 now the night is fallen, and this doorway
looks as good as the next,
flowing with my  shadow
I walk
 longing for a place to stand or sit
a dimly lit place to sit and think
Just me, a pen with ink.

Torn from the pages of a worn book,
 words I can barely remember there in flashes,
my ease dropping
outside my mother’s door
My first curse word being said by a woman
filtered  thru my mother’s voice
Echoing in my father’s countenance
when he said no more.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A oneness thereof. PEACE AND LOVE.

poems by this commentor


love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

TEEDUB815 says:

Nice Write!

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