Deal with it. Sometime you
just have to save yourself.
She Knew You know it never dawned on me
what my mother knew
about that time, and that
again, her not wanted to ask
but the look in her eyes told
me she knew
when the change in her
pocketbook was missing
a quarter, dimes and
and me with the sweet
satisfaction of chewing
on bazooka bubble gum
while hiding my hands
in my pockets
She never said it
But she knew
Snatched Brown buckle shoes
and bobby socks
She’s holding my hand
and I am squirming
then in a second I’m
breaking free from
the warmth of the
safest place I’ve
I dart away
for seconds
an I am snatched
back into the
comfort of the
one who
Catching Hold It’s always been some potion
or some camolile lotion
they gone rub on you,
get you all healed up
Most times you had
one day to get better
Not often, but sometimes
a memory will catch
hold like a note that
plays has you tumbling
somewhere on the edges of time,
Like that nickel you found in the corner
when you needed it
I heard my mother’s voice
I guess there will always be memories to
comfort you while you learn a lesson.
Chemical Dreams Underneath the arches
of a disappearing sun
Fading into sunset
a poisonous cloud
comes out at night
outside my window
Dark and menacing
disappearing within
the hour of my sleep
captured by a murky
photo lens in an ever
Now I slumber to
and thru a new day
With some muddy
coughed up
grayish white
of those
on the back of a
bottle of
Hair Mist,
sold only at dollar
some fine
droplets of
VP/ Dimethylaminoethyl
-methacrylate Copolymer
aimed at my head.
I digress.
Tied Together I wonder if there were too many compromises
Were those the ones
that broke the ground where I stood
That caused me to shake
After cussing you out
leaving me with a vote of no confidence,
I ran head long into and crossed
many bridges,
carrying old baggage, that belonged
to someone else,
now the night is fallen, and this doorway
looks as good as the next,
flowing with my shadow
I walk
longing for a place to stand or sit
a dimly lit place to sit and think
Just me, a pen with ink.
Torn from the pages of a worn book,
words I can barely remember there in flashes,
my ease dropping
outside my mother’s door
My first curse word being said by a woman
filtered thru my mother’s voice
Echoing in my father’s countenance
War Metaphor ICC--you
staring you down
blindfolded hazmat
Beyond closed doors
War Metaphors
down the hall and
make a right
Slanted misconceptions
bombs and misdirection
money spent with no
War Metaphors
down the hall and
make a left
Its printed on signs
and slipped into
the back
handshakes and a
pat on the back
The gavel is broken
The room is silent
no raised hands
everyone... |
To Late Something betta happen
to transform this place
Open your eyes
run fast
chicken little
screaming the sky is falling
breaking up places
they didn't know
it was their day
destruction tearing up
the land
Sirens wailing
but its to late
Shelter in place
you can't
Talking Trees As simple as it may be
My tree spoke to me
Said that’s my cousin
across the street.
You been looking past me
look again
you will see
we from the same family.
Been here awhile
keeps me company
And here I thought
you were alone
Wow, that's cool
So happy for you
Ok I feel you
love you to.
The Bottom Line What’s the bottom line,
lay it all out for me
You have it in writing
Just sign next to the X.
Digital signature applied
Now hit next
Ignore the fine print
A email was sent
Naw something is not adding up
Not what I agreed to
It says Paid In Full
Services Rendered
Check the footnotes and small print
Bottom Line,
You have been had
Thank you for your business
From Digital Scams Incorporated. |