Mingoao | Poetry Vibe
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Mindfuk Terrorism


just different

Views: 70

I'm none of the things
they say I am
or think I am

t h e y   d o n ' t   k n o w   m e

I'm about to start a war
       dare unlawful laws
        I’ve been robbed
        of my inheritance . !
        the clowns
        they laugh at me

I embrace my darkness
                   my darkside
    I love my hidden self
    my dodgy shady self
       that protects me
       from hungry eyes

t h a t   d e e m   m e  p r e y

                         they crave
that I indulge their thirst

         they pray
         that I do no worst
        than their intent
        to do me harm
a n d   s o   t h e y   t h i n k
                          they stand
             in my good favour
        This self
        is my  b u l l s h i t  monitor
                              my crap alarm
The fight is lost or won

far away
from guns and bombs
           and prying eyes

    far away
    from truths and lies
to look like sombre prayer

    far away
    in the plots and subplots
    of conscience and consciousness
                           and confused minds
            subterfuge has found
            refuge in our midst
             cultivating the right time
                  that moment or event
            wanting more
            of what's left of greed

they think themselves to be Zeus
and this their Olympus
       am I to fall or not at all
       for schemes and themes
           gimmicks and memes
            I've recognised
            from an earlier time  . ?

I have not forgotten
their or these deceptions

        I've heard these lyrics before
        they resonate
        p e r p e t r a t i n g  .  .       
        operating like isms

        they imprison the mind
        confined to 24-7 lockdown

The impious preaching piety

                and still we heed
        an uncontrolled need
       drawn like rats
       marching to the piper's tune
                     shadows travelling
                   at the speed of light

          causality takes you there

Colour-blind art critics
without depth perception

               dropping bombs
               that don't go off

still we run
the simulation is real
in its intended purpose

                                      it's called
M i n d F u c k    T e r r o r i s m

             where one's psyche
             is assaulted and scared
    into condition and submission
    into constant agitation and fear
                           you're so scared
           you dare not piss yuhself

that's how they control us
not by chaos and strife

       b u t   b y  .  .
        and suggestions
    of chaos and strife
    we are always afraid
    and in that fear
    w i l l  a l l o w  a n y t h i n g
                            unlawful laws
                           unruly hordes
                   expressions of ideas
                   once concealed
                   find air to breathe
                   as free speech
        open doors
        that go nowhere
        just fall through
        to the other-side
         o p t i o n s   o f   n o t h i n g
        sleight of hands
        though an option
            however cunning
            is vapourous  .  !

It's like religious promise
of salvation and damnation

                         how can both
                          be promised  .  ?
    It's like God
    going to the Garden of Eden
                                     Shouting  .  !
       “W h a t   Y ' a l l   D o i n”   .  ?
                 and Eve replies . .
   “Obeying Your Last Command”
          “W h a t   d a   f u c k
    y a   t h i n k   w e   d o i n  . ?”


© mingoáo - ? - The Writings of Mingoáo Inc. is the exclusive agent, publisher-distributor of the Writings, Designs and Ideas of Mingoáo. No part nor whole of the Work exhibited herein may be copied, transcribed, reproduced, performed, nor, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, not by carrier pigeon, pony express, smoke signal, slingshot, sled dog, not even by alien spacecraft, nor stored by any information storage and/or retrieval system, past, present or future, nor translated, without the expressed written consent of the Owner. ~ By displaying, exhibiting, publishing or presenting this work Privately or Publicly, the Owner in no way percieved or believed , relinquishes his rights to the work partially or entirely -  Not to be Copied, Altered, Forwarded, Distributed, Shared, Nor Transferred

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

May the Most High continue to bless you, my son, for clarifying to the young of mind, what I penned so many years ago---and continue to do so---"The Oppressor Syndrome". Let us continue to blast-open, minds of awareness. With Poetry Vibe, we no longer need to seek the self-publishing scams. Believe me; after 3 books---paid to be published---many of we Elders---like our ancestors---have paid the prices! Now, we all have PoetryVibe freely sharing the WORD! May our cisterns continue to overflow. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE

Mingoao says:

Thank you Baba, - I'm always down for a fight, and this one, I've been fighting for a long time. -Stay Blessed

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

With blessed inspiration, let us continue to fight on. PEACE AND LOVE... To God Be The Glory. ONE.

love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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