ts735bSTUDENT10pinz! | Poetry Vibe
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I live in a world of brutal ice and cold



Views: 141

Despite the temperature being five below...
these fingered handy limbs
awash with profuse sweat
dripping palms analogous
to a bloody busted gushing water main.

Mein kampf analogous
to a self made prisoner
who cannot escape being terrorized
and tortured within invisible
hermetically sealed walls of air tight prison
regularly hunted down
courtesy malevolent daemons
blood curdling deathly silent screams
echo within the sound of silence.

Earlier today some jokester

(like a batman out of hell
came round boppin

like some robin

after their diet of worms)

riddling mine psyche

into a war torn zone analogous

into a veritable no man's land

heavily strewn with deadly explosives

detonating deafening explosive

rife with volatile anxiety,
I felt hunted and targeted

like a common criminal
forced to scuttle

meager barebones existence,
and gladly plunge into an abyss
unbeknownst to me

on par with Dante's inferno.


Hours after grueling life and death battle

keppie (in Yiddish a lighthearted

and endearing way

to refer to a head or forehead)

severely suffered bruises and lacerations

courtesy familiar enemy

(known to me donned

as trumpeting evil

doppelgänger barren of virtue)
relentlessly sadistically and tyrannizing
mutilating corporeal flesh
until flayed muscle and tendon

abandoned as bloody heap.


Visitation of cruel taskmaster
(omnipresent every waking
and sleeping moment of hellish

fiery brimstone existence)

repeatedly brutalized yours truly,
no matter I did plead for mercy
for spirit who usurped eminent domain

to please cease and desist

punishing life lessons
making a cameo appearance


after a reprieve of temporary truce

to drive me towards the maws of death,

yet stopping just shy of beating

the living daylights out

generic lovely bones genetically assigned

to one frazzled sexagenarian,
whose hellish existence
nearly brought to an untimely end
when victimized fellow
subjected to a maelstrom


of suicidal ideation

when a mere adolescent lad
and days, weeks, months...

years, decades, scores

of ragged orbitz round the sun

chock full of accursed torment
barely alleviated courtesy

nine prescription medications

authorized by credentialed nurse practitioner
predicated on symptoms of social anxiety,


dysthymia, obsessive compulsive disorder

absolute zero relief

against wanton depredations

rendered ineffective today

the seventh of June

two thousand and twenty four,
hence a feeble intent to communicate

insufferable beast of burden
wracking one figurative rolling stone.


I managed to drive to and fro a short outing
dodging, hedging, lunging away

from slippery grasp of nemesis

attempting to pull

at sorry these excuse for legs
nevertheless seriously lacerating epidermis
only to realize, the horrific killer

left his tell tale signature

with bloody phalanges

dangling from wrists linkedin to my arms.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

And now warm words flow with intensifying heated inspiration! Powerful! One. Peace and Love.

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