Mingoao | Poetry Vibe
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The Night The Earth Burned


just different

Views: 76

was playing with fire
the night the earth burned . ?

              Who was playing
    with all things learned

     had not learnt a thing . ?
          We may never feel
          the warmth again
          upon our skin
        We may never love
                        nor touch
                       nor grieve
        s o m e o n e . !

    perhaps had said
    I will not respect your god
                      he is a false god
    I will not respect your beliefs
    they are not my beliefs
                  I will not respect you
               you do not look as I do
I covet
that which is yours
           by birthright
             I claim this
       in the name of

         my god
         my conscience
              my country

        I insist you choke
        for yet another day

                         a n d  s o   .  .

    the skies were filled
        with birds of prey
      and serpents’ tails
    revelations unleashed
    as wingless flight

                their intentions
   and out of light of day
   came dark of night

 a s   c r e a t i o n ’ s   c h i l dr e n
                      cowered in the ash
                  of blight rained down
                  blistered skin
                  pustules raw
                  fetid silence
                  and despair

                  Gretel’s legacy
             b r e a d c r u m b s . . !
                 Can no Longer
                 Take us Home

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