Mingoao | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 86

I fear
I’ll fall from grace

    I fear
    I’ll fall and not return at all

        s u t u r e s . .

    hold my face
    and faith in place
                 I fear hounds
        waiting at the gate
I fear infamy
but crave fame

    I fear
    o b s c u r i t y
    but thirst for anonymity

        I wish
        just to be left alone
    I fear
    another state of being
    another state of seeing

                         that which
        has never been seen
I fear
I’ll stop breathing

    I fear I’ll stop feeling                               though I loathe pain

        I fear being poor
        but dread wanting more

    I fear immortality
          and still I wish
           to live forever

  I fear dying
  but I’m not afraid of

               I fear that every lie
               that’s ever been told

                           I   t o l d  .  .

I fear that every truth
     however old is real
        I fear that one
        can steal my soul

        If I believed
        in such things

I fear my nakedness
is for sale

        and everything
           and everyone         

         h a s   a   p r i c e   

    good conscience

    I fear I’m not invisible                                        and can be seen

     for who and what
     I really am

                a n d . .

                       I fear that if
        there really is a God

            he’s not a just
             and merciful

                    G O D

© mingoáo - ? -
the Writings of Mingoáo Inc. is the exclusive agent, publisher-distributor of the Writings of Mingoáo. No part of the Writings exhibited herein may be copied, transcribed, reproduced nor transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, not by carrier pigeon, pony express, smoke signal, slingshot, sled dog, not even by alien spacecraft, nor stored by any information storage and/or retrieval system, past, present or future, nor translated, without the expressed written consent of the Author and Publisher. ~ Not to be Copied, Forwarded, Distributed, Shared Nor Transferred.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Fearing God is the goodness of the awareness of the other fears that need not be feared. Having reached this far should be evidence of this pen. the fear of who and whose you are is the desire to ever be. Nice write. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

Mingoao says:

Thanks Baba . -Stay Blessed

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:


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