Maceesimone | Poetry Vibe
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My Rant



Views: 193

 Sometimes I sit alone at night

Constantly thinking about strife

Laying down wasting my tears

Thinking of all my greatest fears

In darkness I sit without a light

Planning a move of attack in the next fight

As I sit I dream of my mistakes

With my life I ask why didn't God just take it

As strong as I try to show

I never let the world really know

Of all the things that I have done

Because they are sure to have me shunned

Stole from my mother

Lied to my father

Never tried to make their life better

I only worked to make it harder

Having the mind of a damn genius

I didn't try to make my life have any meaning

But made people think that I was it

When in reality I really wasn't

Excuse my language as I speak what true

Just so you get what my words should be conveying to you

Words spoken that could put you in a trance

My life, My words, My Rant.


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love_supreme says:

This is a very nice poem.

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The Immortal Wize says:

Awesome flow!
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The Immortal Wize says:

Massive Flow!! :)

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